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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Condemned (2007)

An American version of Battle Royale with convicts instead of kids...because, you know, we need to have a hackneyed dilemma over the morality of this scenario, and at the same time it's much more guilt-free and less unsettling to watch adults kill each other than to watch kids kill each other.

The event, in true American fashion, is also presented as a reality-TV contest broadcast on the Internet, which leads to some incongruous Truman Show / Enemy of the State-style banter among the studio crew and some bizarrely mid-'90s proselytizing on the part of the conscienceless promoter about the numbers a good online video can draw. Has anyone in this movie heard of YouTube?


EDIT: Still watching this movie a day later, haahha. These two crazies' first fight somehow had Stone Cold fighting back a Japanese karate dude and Vinnie Jones at the same time...the two not-Stone-Cold guys had blades but when they made contact with SC's arms, they set off sparks...you know, because Stone Cold's got ARMS OF STEEL.

1:30 It makes so much sense that seeing Stone Cold face down in a river with NO BLOOD COMING OUT OF HIM would convince everyone in the world that he died.

1:34 WTF. All subtlety and pretense of complex relationships out the window. Sigh...more randomness to come, still waiting for Stone Cold to experience his rebirth.

1:36 Oop, there he is!


  • At 12:28 AM, Blogger Jienan said…

    I actually can't believe you watched this!

  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger Jon said…

    It's total marketing man...I looked at a billboard for this movie every time I took the El on the way to DePaul between March and June.

  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger ian said…

    I don't think I've even seen a commercial for that out here. And I'm glad i haven't because I'm sure it would just make me angry.

    Are there an flashback scenes of all the convicts playing basketball together?

  • At 11:51 AM, Blogger Jon said…

    Make you angry? Oh ic b/c of the Battle Royale bastardization.

    You might like it. I mean, it's chock-full of priceless acting moments from Stone Cold. Sadly no basketball scene, they're ferried onto a deserted island from different prisons and each given a moment to show us how DANGEROUS they are.


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