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Sunday, October 07, 2007

High School Musical 2 (2007)

Ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiii --

You ever see this around, here's what you do: you skip to about the 60 or 65 minute mark and watch Zac Efron reach his turning point with one of the most awesomely bad Flashdance-on-a-golf-course routines in history (also, possibly the only one ever).

OMG. I haven't seen anything start so funny and just keep getting more and more hilarious over its five-minute length that wasn't from YouTube in years.

There's a couple other good songs too. Vast improvement.

EDIT: Ian found it! So, if you're watching this, it's another funny YouTube video. I don't know if you can feel the full Efron effect without watching the whole movie, but I think this should be more than enough to entice you to see it.


  • At 12:35 AM, Blogger ian said…

    Is this the scene you're referring to? Because this is kinda ridiculous...

  • At 11:37 AM, Blogger Jon said…


  • At 3:49 AM, Blogger Jienan said…

    I caught this on the free Direct TV preview channel.

    My soul cried.

    And yet my ID couldn't help but dance! Dance! DANCE!

  • At 1:33 AM, Blogger ian said…

    You know, after watching that clip, this Zac Efron guy reminds me of a poor man's Ian Somerhalder.


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