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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lions for Lambs

i am hungry and both lion and lamb sound pretty good. i imagine lion is a bit tough and perhaps gamey. plus they're harder to catch. the best lamb i know of is at a turkish place in the Tenderloin of SF, a bad neighborhood. i'm kind of wishy washy about supporting turkish businesses right now. so those dinner options are out.

the metaphor of lions and lambs in this new movie comes from a German soldier's remark in WWI that the British were lion-like troops led by lambs, weak leaders. that's pretty much the story line to this movie, with modern-day Afghanistan as the setting and politicians as the lambs.

it's another movie in a line of serious titles about current events that i've seen, with a mighty heart and in the valley of elah. hollywood is trying to come to terms with the war on terrorism. i support that.

the audience got a thumbs down. dort's chair kept getting kicked by a lady behind her.

it cost like 10.25, the saturday matinee general admission price. it goes up a quarter at night. you can't blame that on gas prices or the mortgage crunch. maybe it's the writers' fault. how much is it in chicago?



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