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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Long-overdue viewing of this thanks to Netflix instant viewing (it's my new TV-on-DVD for killing weekends). (Mild spoiler alert although I remember TV Guide and such used this point in their one-line summary) Between this and Milk, I think I've satisfied my quota of the gay experience in the '70s. The crowd that gathers outside the bank is one of the most realistic I've ever seen - so many movies just have a bunch of innocent, speechless onlookers, that seeing a crowd cheering Sonny on (to the consternation of the police), and then making fun of him after his homosexuality is revealed, turns the crowd into an embodiment of the turmoil and confusion of the period.

Also, I've now seen the complete cinematic output of John Cazale, and can now call myself a '70s aficionado.


  • At 9:55 PM, Blogger Jienan said…

    but I would really suggest you rent 'The Life and Time of Harvey Milk'... can't wait to see the feature but that doc alone, along with realizing that PSB were gay, really altered the way that I looked at homosexuality (ie helped me out of being a asshole homophobe)...

    And that one shot in DDA after Pacino gets off the phone with his wife/lover... when he breaks in to tears... man...

    Oh, and for a wtf Pacino/gay culture, rent 'Cruising'... as DDA was a pretty positive aka normalizing portrayal of gay men, Cruising is the polar opposite. It is RIDICULOUS.

  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger Pete said…

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