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Monday, October 08, 2007

Eastern Promises (2007)

Viggo Mortensen rules!

He can kill you with his eyes, Russian accent and oh yeah, his awe-inspiring fight techniques.

He will even fight you naked if you confront him in a bath house.

Just ask Naomi Watts!

However, even his bad assery is not enough for me to be completely won over with this movie.

The problem is not the acting, or the characters or even the story.

It's that the plot unravels too easily and without much surprise. I am that person who didn't know Bruce Willis was dead in the Sixth Sense until it was revealed.

Instead, we are spoon fed information and secrets, as if Cronenberg would rather us focus on other things like human trafficking and bastard babies.

Maybe I wasn't supposed to be tricked or left in the dark until the end. Either way, I was expecting that sort of twist and it never really happened.

Easter Promises is a great character study, with excellent performances and a chilling plot.

But you'll pretty much know what's next before it happens.


  • At 3:48 AM, Blogger Jienan said…

    Oh, I didn't predict the ending of 'Sixth Sense' either. In fact, if I remember completely, I let out an audible 'What???'... Same with 'Usual Suspects'...

    Of course, now, it's fairly routine for people to try that third-act game changer which is a damn shame...

  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    my dad is the worst about that, he's consciously trying to figure out how any vaguely thriller-like movie is going to end from the beginning. like they were giving out prizes for getting it.

    no way this movie could be as bad as "a history of violence"... ?

  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Jon said…

    I don't know if I can get over the accents. I feel like I'm watching a bunch of my friends from Asterik. (We turned a shared love of Rocky IV and Ivan Drago into a series of Russian-accented in-jokes.)


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