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Friday, February 19, 2010

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP, 2008)

Stardate 070210

I guess I was going to write something about this back in February? And instead I left it totally blank. To quote the Commodore, "That, as they say, is that. [click]"

Oh yeah, this picture reminded me. Genesis's supposedly awe-inspiring poem was garbage and it pissed me off to have to keep hearing him say lines from it while he attacked Zack.

Also, the DMW was kind of cool, but also kind of annoying. Also also wik, all these kids were talking about how they cried at the end. I laughed. Mostly because I had the hilarious version of Zack's death from FF7 in my head, where two Shinra dudes just push him to the ground and pump him full of lead. Like, no sad music, 5x the number of necessary bullets, shooting his PS1-pixelated corpse. Way to go out like a punk there, buddy.

I sold my copy off so I have no way of developing a further opinion. I would like to commemorate how I would leave the mission where Zack fights like 300 slugs on the beach running on my PSP while I went and did something else, then come back a half hour later to see what the DMW Santa Claus brought me. Zack had Regen going so only the DMW attacks would kill dudes. The game got wise and stopped giving me much of anything after a while.


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