Bug (2006)
Who thinks this movie is scary and WHY???
Because the dude pulled his molar out with a pair of pliers?
Fuck, I saw that in Cast Away and as disturbing as it was then, at least it wasn't as pointless and bloody as it was depicted here.
You know the only entertaining part? Seeing Harry Connick Jr. play a beefed up, ex-wife beating con, all the while remembering his sweet, sweet melodies on the 'When Harry Met Sally' soundtrack.
What happened Harry??? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED???
No really. I don't know how ANYone could like this movie.
It's not smart just because it shows how a delusional psychopath can turn a lonely, vulnerable person into the same thing.
It's not smart for depicting paranoia to the Nth degree by providing us with a twenty minute, non-sensical rant at the end that just about made ME blow MY brains out. (Don't worry, they don't actually do that in the movie, though I wished oh so badly that they would).
Ebert, what in the fuck happened to you, dude? Actually, I KNOW what happened, but that is no excuse to recommed lame ass shit like this.
So now that I'm done, if you liked this movie, or even thought it was remotely passable, please provide your reasoning in the comments and by tomorrow I should be able to take them into consideration rationally.
Until then, I'm going to go to sleep and try to forget about the last hour and forty one minutes.